Laura Law Skincare Specialist and Beauty Therapist

Skin Specialist & Beauty Therapist

My Fertility Story

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My fertility story by Laura Law Beauty and the Dr Mistry Diet

My fertility story is pretty ironic… Throughout my twenties, I avoided pregnancy like the plague; popping ‘the pill’ religiously in order to avoid ‘an accident’. I never missed one and for the 15 years or so that I took it, my monthly cycle operated like clockwork.
Having a baby was the last thing on my mind as I partied every weekend, enjoyed girly holidays and spent my entire wages on clothes, beauty products and nights out.

The begining of our journey

When I met my husband and we married in 2016, something shifted in me; almost overnight, and the thought of becoming parents wasn’t quite so perilous.

In fact, It was something that we both really wanted. Our friends were having kids, we were settled in our own home and after many happy years together, having a baby felt like a natural progression.

Following our wedding, and an amazing 3 week honeymoon in America, I ditched the last of my pills, and naively assumed that I would instantly fall pregnant. Sadly, this wasn’t the case.

Is it impossible?

After years of consuming artificial hormones via the pill, when I finally stopped taking it, my periods were so irregular that I would often go for months without one. My GP advised that although it wasn’t impossible for me to get pregnant, without having a regular period; it was highly unlikely. He told me to relax and that soon enough my cycle would return to normal. I found this impossible. How could I relax when my body wasn’t working as it should? As well as this, it seemed that the world and their dog were pregnant! Everyone but me.

In social situations, there were many an occasion in which I had to pop myself off to the toilet to compose myself after hearing yet another pregnancy announcement, or to avoid a child-related discussion that I had absolutely nothing to contribute to. I didn’t feel jealous of my friends and their ability to conceive so easily, just frustrated and so incredibly sad that it wasn’t happening for us. I had everything I could possibly want; an amazing husband, a job that I loved, a busy social life; yet all I wanted was a baby.

Fertility Checks

It was a difficult time and after a year and a half of just 2 periods, and no joy conceiving, our doctor advised that we have our fertility checked.

Mr L went first and passed his test with flying colours.

I felt relieved, yet a little anxious; was I the one with the problem?

Seeing a Fertility Consultant

As with most things it seems; the (multiple) procedures that us ladies must endure in this situation aren’t quite so easy. The process began with a blood test at the doctors which returned as normal.

I was then referred to a fertility consultant and sent to my local hospital for a Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan. The test is carried out with the use of a small probe which when inserted into the vagina, checks the health of the womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Thankfully, it wasn’t too uncomfortable and the results came back clear.

Tubes Flushed

I was then sent to have my tubes flushed; which is as unpleasant as it sounds! The examination involves the insertion of a catheter into the vagina, through which a shot of dye is flushed in order to identify any blockages in the fallopian tubes. The results are then discerned via X-ray.

I had discussed the treatment with various friends who’d had it and was fully aware of the discomfort I would experience. However, I was optimistic, as it seems that many women often fall pregnant naturally shortly after; almost like a ‘blowing away of the cobwebs’.

On the day of the test, I gowned up, reluctantly left Mr L in the waiting area (doctors orders) and followed the nurse into the X- Ray room, whilst mentally consoling myself with positive thoughts.

I was instructed to lie on the bed beneath a huge X-ray machine, legs akimbo whilst the doctor got to work administering the catheter.

Due to back problems; I’ve had many X-rays in my time, so I wasn’t intimidated by the huge spacecraft above me; or the catheter, which was comparable to a routine smear.

The shot of dye into my fallopian tubes however was bloody miserable! The sensation can only be describes as a short, sharp puff of air into the groin – almost like the blast of air from a bicycle pump – but stronger. This was followed by a deep, dull ache; not dissimilar to period pain.

Lets just say that it bought a tear to my eye and possibly a sore hand to the trainee doctor whom I grabbed and squeezed HARD mid flush – especially when they had to do it twice!

Although it was uncomfortable, it was over quickly and the hospital staff were so kind and sympathetic, that it made the whole experience a little easier.

Test Results

A couple of weeks later, we received news that the test results were clear; my fallopian tubes were in good working order and there was absolutely no reason why I shouldn’t fall pregnant naturally. But of course, my periods were still irregular and no matter how hard we tried, nothing was happening.

The doctor finally agreed to put us on the waiting list for IVF, and in the meantime, prescribed me a course of Clomid to boost my ovulation.


For those that don’t already know; Clomid is a drug that can be taken up to 6 times in a woman’s life and is essential in preparation for IVF. It also has a reputation for causing 30% of women to fall pregnant naturally, so we were hopeful that we were in with a good chance.

I took 2 courses of Clomid and sadly; neither of them worked..

I was starting to give up hope. ‘Trying for a baby’ is pretty depressing when it takes longer than expected and after speaking with friends who had gone through IVF, I could only imagine how hard it would be; physically, mentally AND emotionally.

Following the failed Clomid attempts we decided to take a break and wait for our turn at IVF.

Christmas with friends

In the meantime, Christmas was approaching and we had arranged to meet some friends who were expecting their first baby. I was looking forward to catching up and celebrating with them as they had also struggled to conceive .

On meeting my friend (who was told by medical professionals that there was absolutely no chance whatsoever of her ever falling pregnant), she told me of a doctor who had come highly recommended by a friend in a similar situation. Following his advice and a specialised diet, my friend became pregnant naturally just 3 months later!

The House of Mistry

As you can imagine, I was full of hope following our conversation and just a week later, was on my way to Hampstead to meet this incredible man myself (aptly named Mr Mistry).

On arrival, at The House of Mistry’ (which is a health food shop/chemist), I was guided to a small seating area and told to wait. As I sat nervously twiddling my thumbs, a woman next to me asked if I had come to see the notorious Dr Mistry. On confirmation, she told me how fantastic he was and that ‘whatever my problem,’ she was certain he could fix it!

A short while later, Dr Mistry appeared and welcomed me to a private room at the back of the shop for my (free) consultation. He was serious, calm and had a real presence.

I explained my predicament and after simply feeling my pulse at the wrist, he began to tell me the reason why I was finding it so difficult to conceive.

It seemed that a tremendous shock I had experienced in my twenties (the loss of a close friend) had caused a trauma to my stomach, resulting in food becoming blocked and rotten in my intestine. The toxic environment inside me meant that falling pregnant would pretty much be impossible until I changed my diet and essentially, cleansed my gut.

Dr Mistry created a diet plan for me, alongside a selection of vitamins from his shop and advised that if I were to follow his advice; I would be pregnant within 3 months- possibly sooner.


I’m amazed to tell you that I was pregnant within 2 weeks!

As you can imagine, we were ecstatic and totally dumbfounded. After all of the uncertainty, I finally had what I wanted; simply through changing my diet.

I’m not naïve in assuming that what worked for me will work for everyone and understand that each and every situation is different, but the diet worked for my friend and I, so if sharing my story helps just one other person, then its a story worth telling.

Pregnancy and fertility Reflexology

I would also like to point out that for 6 weeks prior to discovering I was pregnant, I was having weekly treatments with Lisa Russell whom specialises in pregnancy and fertility Reflexology. I strongly believe that this also played a huge role in helping us to conceive.

Dr Mistry’s Diet

Before breakfast – Drink a glass of water mixed with 3 teaspoons of Aloe Vera Juice and a capful of Iron Tonic.

Breakfast – Either porridge, muesli, granola or weetabix with warmed milk (milk MUST be warm).

After Breakfast – Eat Enzymatic fruit (berries, pineapple, papaya) and take 2 capsules of Vitamin E and 1 capsule of Royal Jelly.

Lunch – Eat salad, curry, quinoa. Whatever you eat must be heavily laden with vegetables. Eat bio-yoghurt straight after.

After Lunch– Eat 5-6 dried apricots or prunes for digestion.

Dinner – Whatever you like, as long as its small.

Before Bed – Drink warm milk (milk must always be warmed on the stove as opposed to in the microwave) with 2 teaspoons of Royal Jelly Honey. Your partner must also drink this until you fall pregnant. Its super sweet and sickly and getting your other half to drink it isn’t easy.

Eat lots of bread and butter (known as the food of fertility).

Avoid sugar, wine (vodka, gin and light coloured spirits are OK), red meat and do not wear high heels (apparently they kick the eggs out).

All of the supplements recommended can be bought from

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